Service robots: a key asset for optimising human-robot collaboration in the hospitality industry

Service robots: a key asset for optimising human-robot collaboration in the hospitality industry The hospitality industry, a dynamic and constantly evolving sector, is facing increasing challenges: rising customer expectations for personalised service, pressure to incorporate innovative technologies while keeping costs competitive and the need to comply with ever more stringent health and sustainability standards. Against[…]
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Ingénieur Spot Boston Dynamics

Decoding the cost of robots: between advanced research, cutting-edge equipment and manufacturing challenges?

Decoding the cost of robots: between advanced research, cutting-edge equipment and manufacturing challenges? In a world where automation is becoming increasingly important, robots are now indispensable allies for many industries. Yet many people wonder why these machines, whose tasks often seem simple at first sight, are so expensive. In reality, behind every robot is: A[…]
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Humanoid robots: what kind of tasks are they suited to (or not)?

Large humanoid robots: what tasks can they perform? Robotics is gradually being integrated into a wide variety of industries. Mobile robots (or quadrupeds) remain the most widely used, along with robotic arms. Combinations of the two are increasingly sought-after. Lately, large-scale humanoid robots have been arriving on the market. Boston Dynamics, Xiaomi, Tesla, and Unitree[…]
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Pourquoi choisir un robot quadrupède ?

Why choose a quadruped robot for your university or research unit?

Why choose a quadruped robot for your university or research unit? Quadruped robots have recently gained in popularity due to their ability to explore difficult and potentially dangerous environments for humans. Their rapid evolution over the last few decades reflects a growing demand for mobile robots capable of navigating varied terrain while offering innovative solutions[…]
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LiDAR Slamtec : Un comparatif pratique pour choisir en toute simplicité

Slamtec LiDAR: A Practical Comparison for Easy Decision Making

In the realm of robotics, mapping, and autonomous navigation, LiDARs have become indispensable tools for perceiving and understanding the environment around us. In this article, we delve into Slamtec‘s LiDAR series, renowned for its reliability, precision, and cost-effectiveness. We review the various models in the A series and S series, focusing on their technical specifications,[…]
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Les différents robot quadrupèdes et leurs applications

The different quadruped robots and their applications

Over the last few decades, quadruped robots have experienced significant growth, stimulated by an increasing demand for mobile robots capable of exploring environments deemed too risky for humans. Compared with other mobile robots, robot dogs stand out for their adaptability, stability, and manoeuvrability. Quadruped robots are particularly well-suited to an urban environment designed for humans:[…]
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Temi: The Personal Mobile Assistant Revolution at Kellogg’s

In the constantly evolving world of technology, brands that manage to innovate while staying true to their heritage are the ones that truly capture the public’s imagination. Kellogg’s, a brand embedded in the childhood memories of many people around the world, perfectly illustrates this dynamic by embracing the revolutionary technologies of tomorrow. The integration of[…]
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UFactory Robotic Arms: maximize your productivity at lower cost

Discovering UFactory robotic arms is to embrace cutting-edge technology that combines ease of use, portability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. Designed to democratize access to advanced robotics, UFactory robots are distinguished by their affordable and durable robotic arms. Intuitive and accessible, they allow for quick adoption and simplified programming through a dedicated graphical user interface, transforming complex[…]
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