Summer is (finally) around the corner, and with it, the usual string of fun and summery events that usually take place during that season! Two robotics events are worth being highlighted in Bordeaux this month.
This weekend is the Euro Cup kickstart, and if you are in Bordeaux, why not come over Place des Quinconces, to check out robots football games (featuring the beloved Metabot, get ready to discover the V2!) You might even be able to control one of the robots team! On the 22nd and 23rd of June, the second edition of the symposium about robotics and education will be co-hosted by the INRIA lab and the Sud-Ouest newspaper. The future is already happening in Bordeaux!
Inter robots football games for the Euro Cup!
This Friday is Day 1 of the Euro Cup 2016, which is held in France this year. Every major city competes with one another to have the funniest and the most memorable football fan zone!

In Bordeaux, a bastion of French robotics, you will be able to watch (and even participate) some pretty awesome football game featuring the popular Metabot robots! This games will be organized by Rhoban System, a startup based in Bordeaux that specialized in designing legged and humanoid robots, as well as agricultural robots. Rhoban System knows its football quite well, as their Rhoban Football Club won last year third place of the World Robocup in China!
More info (and the different dates) here: Metabot Football Games – Euro Cup 2016
On the same subject, we also invite you to come and meet Pepper, Aldebaran/Softbank latest service robot, at Carrefour Merignac Soleil. Thanks to an app developed by our engineers at Génération Robots , this Pepper robot will take a picture of you with your favourite football! This animation will take place at the MyDesign store, from the 17th June onwards!

Robotics and Education symposium, second edition
The 2015 school year is coming to an end, and most of the major players of the education and robotics field will gather in Bordeaux at the end of the month to discuss the addition of robotics and coding to the French schools 2016 curriculums.

If you’re coming to this symposium (Espace Agora, INRIA) you will also be given the chance to attend the first RobOscars Awards, that will reward the best short films featuring Poppy (Poppy Ergo Jr, Poppy Torso Poppy Torso, Poppy Humanoid ) or the Thymio mobile robot.
This event will be co-hosted by INRIA and the newspaper Sud-Ouest.
More info here: Robotics and Education symposium organised by INRIA, second edition