Generation Robots , who will be presenting the Baxter collaborative robot by Rethink Robotics is one of the 200 bâtisseurs pour demain who are going to assemble from 4 au 7 décembre 2014 in the central concourse of the Grand Palais.
This event, organised at the initiative of Osons la France (France, let’s be daring!), will introduce the country’s future talents, including several players in the field of robotics. Projects will be examined and selected by the Osons la France policy committee, comprising 12 figures from diverse and complementary backgrounds including Bruno Bonnell (Robopolis), the brain’s behind the Innorobo event .
Osons la France 2014: the representatives
These visionaries of the future will meet from 4-7 December 2014 to show what is happening in fields like that of robotics . The 200 companies representing the France of tomorrow operate in very diverse fields, from health and biotechnologies to design , tourism and robotics . They include creators of start-ups, designers, research scientists and intellectuals, all determined to change the way we operate in their fields.

France boasts many players in the field of robotics, the most famous being no doubt
, the company responsible for the NAO programmable humanoid robot. Inventions presented by the companies selected include a telepresence robot, one of the latest technological innovations that is completely revolutionising the way we work. These changes in work practices are also demonstrated by the
Baxter collaborative robot
Generation Robots
will be presenting. These
collaborative robots
are rapidly improving
human/robot interaction
Robotics: today’s revolutionary changes
The latest generation of industrial robots has changed. This is, in essence, the message Génération Robots will be delivering when it presents the Baxter cobot . These new types of robots are increasing the quality, and proximity, of human/robot working relationships. They are more user-friendly for employees, who can rapidly learn , how to program them, and more affordable . Collaboration between the employee and robot is easier, more reliable and quicker, effectively reducing time spent working on repetitive tasks. The video below shows just such a demonstration given during our collaborative robotics seminar featuring Rodney Brooks , co-organised with ISIR in Paris on 2 October.
To find out more: .