Terms Of Service of Generation Robots

Identification of the company Generation Robots
Company name Generation Robots
Legal status and capital SAS with a capital of 250 000 €
Manager Jérôme Laplace
Head office 1 Rue Pierre-Georges Latécoère, 33700 Mérignac (FRANCE)
Phone +33 (0)5 56 39 37 05
Fax +33 (0)5 56 50 78 09
E-mail contact@generationrobots.com
Web site www.generationrobots.com
Hosted by: SAS ONLINE, 35 RUE DE LA VICTOIRE, 06480 LA COLLE SUR LOUP (FRANCE) Tel : 01 84 13 00 00
Intracommunity VAT No. FR36504878315
Siret No. 50487831500036
License number in the Commercial Registry 504 878 315 R.C.S. BORDEAUX