List of products by brand UFactory

UFactory, an innovative brand, positions itself as a leader in the field of intelligent robotic arms. Offering a diverse range of cutting-edge solutions, UFactory is committed to making robotics accessible to everyone. Its robotic arms, characterized by advanced engineering and versatility, deliver exceptional performance in various industrial and educational applications. Through a harmonious blend of advanced technology and functionality, UFactory's products embody the future of automation, making daily life easier and fostering innovation. Discover excellence in robotics with UFactory, where precision, reliability, and user-friendliness converge to shape the future of robotics.


The 850 collaborative arm is one of the most powerful robots with industrial-level performance.

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The xArm BIO gripper is aflexible collaborative gripper that adapts perfectly to your UFactory arms.

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The xArm Gripper is aflexible collaborative gripper that adapts perfectly to your UFactory arms.

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The xArm vacuum gripper is an electric gripper that adapts perfectly to your UFactory arms.

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The most compact and smallest 6-axis arm from UFactory.

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A multi-axis robotic arm that perfectly balances the balance between power and size.

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