List of products by brand Hokuyo

Here you find the Hokuyo laser scanners URG-04-LX, URG-04-LX-UG01, UST-10LX, UST-20LX, UTM-30LX, UTM-30LX-EW

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Looking for a way to make your robot’s movements more precise? Do you want your mobile robot to be able to avoid obstacles and follow certain markers? By connecting a UST-10LX Scanning Laser Range Finder to your creation you will make it even more autonomous, even more responsive to its immediate surroundings!

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The most popular laser range finder from Hokuyo. Thousands of robots accross the world use this sensor recognised for its accuracy and its robustness.

Delivery within 5-6 weeks

Offering a scanning time almost four times faster than the URG-04LX telemeter, the Hokuyo UBG-04LX-F01 laser range finder remains very compact with a low power consumption.

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So you thought it was impossible for a device to be even more powerful than the UST-10XL without sacrificing size? Well take a look at the Hokuyo UST-20LX Scanning Laser Range Finder: just as light, just as sturdy – but with much sharper vision!

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Laser range finder with a 30m range for indoor use. The UTM-30LX from Hokuyo allows getting accurate measures on a long range.

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The UTM-30LX-EW is a major evolution of the UTM-30LX. In addition to the 30m range, it features an Ethernet connectivity, a multi-echo functionnality and an IP67 casing for an outdoor use !

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The Hokuyo PBS-03JN range finder is perfect for obstacle detection applications on autonomous mobile platforms. Small in form and light in weight, it integrates into any robotised systems.

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Specifically designed for indoor robotics, the Hokuyo UST-05LN LiDAR is a compact, lightweight, and very accurate obstacle detection sensor.

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The Hokuyo UXM-30LAH-EWA laser range finder is one of the longer-range models from the Japanese LiDAR manufacturer. In ideal conditions, it can detect objects up to 120 m.

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The Hokuyo YVT-35LX laser range finder – 3D LiDAR combines a multi-echo function and an on-board IMU sensor providing the most accurate 3D mapping outdoors, in all weather.

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Light, compact, economical, and supporting up to 31 configurable detection areas: the Hokuyo UST-05LA laser range finder is most particularly intended for obstacle detection and localisation applications.

Delivery within 3 months (on order)