The Human Empowering Robots Alliance (HERA), consisting of Génération Robots, Intuitive Robots and Avatarion, three European pioneers in humanoid robot software development, announced a strategic partnership with UBTECH Robotics to jointly offer intelligent humanoid service robots to the most tech-savvy businesses in Europe.
At a height of 120cm and weighing 45kg, Cruzr is a cloud-based intelligent humanoid robot that provides a wide range of service applications for various industrial environments, such as retail stores, banks, airports, hospitals and hotels.
Compared to its competitors and predecessors, Cruzr offers more advanced features, like a tablet with higher resolution, better cameras for effective face and product recognition… One of its most notable features is navigation: Cruzr is one of the only humanoid robots that able to navigate to points of interest thanks to its real-time mapping and positioning technologies.
Cruzr is now available in Europe with an AI software solution called SPARK. Created by Intuitive Robots, SPARK manages to seamlessly integrate and adapt the most advanced AI conversational agents (Chatbots) based on natural language understanding and machine learning. Combined with the best knowledge technologies from the Web used by smart speakers, SPARK provides rich, smart and useful interactions with robots. In addition, SPARK has already helped Cruzr connect to the IoT world and third-party services.
Cruzr’s features, including the navigation, combined with those of the Chatbots provide amazing interactions with end-users, while enabling companies to enrich their omnichannel strategy.
“We believe that Cruzr robots from UBTECH, combined with SPARK AI solution will bring robotics to a new era. Customers do not only want robots to be beautiful, they want them to be affordable, efficient, smart, and useful for their business too.” said Franck Calzada, CEO of Intuitive Robots.
“We want HERA to be the main entry-point for Cruzr to enter Europe, where companies can finally access a global service robotic offer. It includes robots equipped with the best software solutions on the market and a wide range of services provided by robotic experts.” said Jérôme Laplace, CEO of Génération Robots.
“This alliance is essential for Europe to strengthen its position in humanoid robotics global market” said Jean-Christophe Gostania, CEO of Avatarion Technology.
“Partnering with HERA, who is a leader in humanoid robot business in Europe and share our passion for innovation, is a natural fit for UBTECH Robotics. I believe this strategic cooperation will bring more cutting-edge robotic solutions to our European customers”, said Sean Qin, UBTECH Regional Sales Director.
UBTECH Robotics is a global leading AI and humanoid robotic company. Established to provide cutting-edge technical solutions, UBTECH Robotics is a highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider. The company is best known globally as the industry leader in humanoid robotics as well as its award-winning JIMU Robot line of robots designed to support STEM education in a fun, hands-on way.
With its world-class robots that are interactive and enjoyable for the entire family, UBTECH Robotics allows you step away from traditional play and into a world where robots are our friends. For additional information about the company, follow UBTECH Robotics on Facebook and at
Press contact: Olivia Chi - Senior PR Manager
About HERA
Created in 2019, HERA is a strategic partnership between Génération Robots, Intuitive Robots and Avatarion. By combining their broad robotics skills and experiences, this new collaboration aims to provide a unique distribution channel for social robots with the best software solutions in Europe.
More info: HERA
Press contact: Julien Joliff - Head of Marketing
Need more information about HERA or the Cruzr robot? Please contact one of the HERA members:
- Distribution in France: Génération Robots | Intuitive Robots
- Distribution in Switzerland: Avatarion Technology
- Distribution in Germany: Génération Robots